Saturday, September 24, 2011

AaRLs Comic Episode 051 - Confused

Episode 051 is here. AaRL might be under some kind of trance while Alexis struggles with her emotions. Kohki finally awakes but to yet another nightmare... Wheres SG?!

As a side note, I went back and found when I actually released these comics. Both here and the other place (which by the way has not changed at all since we left lol) Its been almost one year (October 1st) that i started this project and 51 comics, later going good me thinks. Perhaps a special comic is in order.....

Monday, September 19, 2011

East VS West: Part One.

East VS West Part One: It's cramped in here.

After much thought on the subject, I've come to a conclusion (at least in my opinion) of why the gaming industry is in such distress. Which also explains why franchises like Final Fantasy are considered stale and boring now. I'm planning on breaking this rant/essay up into multiple parts and this will be the first part.

It's cramped in here.

A standard of any role playing game (in any form, paper or video game) is a compelling story and the progress made through the story with memorable characters and events. Let's look back at the original Final Fantasy game for the NES. While this isn't the 'first' rpg for a video game console, it was considered the best of it's time. While the story was very minimal by today's standards, it was a large leap forward at the time. You had a nice central cast of fully customizable characters who you could make into what you wanted, but at the same time you had a nice memorable cast of secondary characters and a memorable villain. The story was also impressive and deep for what it was. You were chosen by a supernatural force to bring balance and order to the world and stop the ultimate evil over space and time from destroying the world.  As a kid or a teenager at the time that was just awesome, it made you the hero and you were in control. Or that is to say you thought you were. And thus lies the problem. A rpg is not really a role playing game so much as it's an adventure game with role playing elements.

Let me explain why I say that. In every rpg you really don't have control. You aren't the one in charge of your destiny you're doing what they say you can and are allowed very little freedom. Let's look at it like this (see fig.1). You're walking down a trail in a forest, the path turns and churns but it never splits or forks. You know exactly where you're going and how you're going to get there or what you're going to see at the end. You may not know the exact turns or stops on the road but you know what's going to happen so to speak. And thus is the flaw of  every role playing game that's on a gaming console or a pc. You never find that fork in the road that gives you control of how you're going to reach the end of the path. You basically just chug away, hacking and slashing and 'modding' your character
so (s)he can kill the big bad thing that threatens the world. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun experience but it get's rather stale after awhile. Which is why I believe that classic role playing games, or  J-RPG in some sects, are falling out of popularity.

The above has stayed true for the longest time for rpgs of the eastern origin.  Now if you look at a rpg from the west, you quickly notice a lot of different things. The story may be similar to the classic style rpgs, you're a hero chosen by something super natural and you must save the world. Typically you're given different methods to customize your character. These usually range from appearance, to stat progression, weapons and skills. The outcomes are limited of course, but it makes you feel more in control of your destiny. Now while the story may be similar you have your typical main story line you have to follow, however you are given a lot more freedom in how you get there (see fig. 2).

Let's go back to our forest path. Now instead of a winding path that goes all the way around the forest and takes a long time to get to the other side we're given different ways to reach this exit. You can cut straight trough the woods, dig a tunnel under the woods, build a flying machine and go over it, or walk the winding path but stop to smell the roses/shed some blood along the way. The choice is a lot more varied and open to how you want to do it. You aren't restricted by some programer telling you how to do things. This is what makes these games more appealing to the masses.

Now both games styles are popular and have cult followings. You mention a good JRPG like Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior (Quest) and people will eat it up like candy. But on the same coin if you mention a game from a developer like Bethesdia (Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series) or Bioware (Knight's of the Old Republic) and people flock to the store like a bunch of sheep. What makes one genre more appealing than the other? Nothing really, however; most 'casual*' gamers will opt for a JRPG over an 'Open Ended RPG' simply because they're more friendly for their play style/schedule. People who have minimal play time but what a rich and interesting experience will get a lot of enjoyment out of a game like Final Fantasy instead of a game like The Elder Scrolls. The reverse is true for the hardcore gamer, they'll enjoy both games equally, however The Elder Scrolls game would offer a richer experience.

I'm going to end this first part with that. It all boils down to personal preference and regional differences. However these major differences is what is causing these games to fall behind in popularity world wide and not have the same appeal as they used to.

*I mean casual in the sense the amount of playtime, not in the skill or game enjoyment levels. Only being able to play a few hours a day makes you a casual gamer despite your skill level in my opinion.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Name change

Anyone in favor of a name change to the blog? Any suggestions and stuff would be nice too. I just think with Final Fantasy being kind of... well shit lately it's not fair to just pick on it when there's so much more we can find well horribly funny. I don't know if it's going to mess with the bookmark or not but meh shouldn't be too bad. There should be a redirect button or something.

AaRLs Comic Episode 050 - Flashback Askew

Episode 50 is here... with a twist! Enjoy and for once... COMMENT damn it!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Final Fantasy 13-3?

I have to ask now... from a non bashing point this time...NOT! WHY?! How many times are we going to go down this road? Is this really the future of Final Fantasy? How many times do you beat the horse before it lays down... then beat it some more until it stops crying... then beat it again till it dies? Do you still beat it some more? Even if this is a cruel joke by some one other than SE... even if FF13-2 is a wonderful game (COUGH BULLSHIT... but it has time travelling in this time... seriously here: )

Is this really how games will be made. Even before the 2nd one is released, there are already hints of a third starting to be made... THIS even after the first in the 13 series FAILED and even SE admits it to a point... altough a small one.

Anyone remember way back in April 2004 when this game to light? I thought it was 05 myself. Go look it up... YOU HAD nearly 6 years to a final release date... And now you pump them out one after another and even before theyre done? You failed at FF14... made it free... still fail... announce another MMO (Dragon Quest) and you still fail... stocks tank... go and announce FF13-3... FAIL FAIL FAIL.

Why not just make thee "FINAL" Fantasy and end it all together. Call it like Final Fantasy XV: Hopefully This Time We Got It Right... then announce a sequel the next day after starting production on it and call it FF15-2: I Guess Not But Youll Still Buy It You Fanboys...then why not go one more step and announce a 3rd in the 15 series and call that one: FF15-3: Wow Your Still Buying This Shit? Only this time since all but 4 people are left with a preorder for the game... include a super secert preorder download video for HD FFNES-FF12 hidden in the game code... thus reigniting the Final Fantasy craze and start all over. But then say its a tech demo for PS4 pissing everyone off again... but then to save face announce a brand new FF with an edgy title. Call it FF16:S3 (Super Sweet Sixteen) Insert hentai, porn and demand all FF girls ever in the game ONLY... but show nothing except mosaics and pixels... maybe a story or line. After that bombs except in hentai circles and basements everyhwere... or until its cracked with a nude patch. Announce FF17:Almost Legal In Most Parts... Its a remake of 16 just with less clothes... but include timetravelling in this one so we can see them with more clothes... and remove some censorship. When that fails too in 2017 (going rate of FF releases). In 2018 announce FF18: FINALLY LEGAL! And just make everyone nude in glorious 4320ppp graphics and TTTHHHXXX surround (make my ears explode) sound and give the remaining one fan and cellar creatures what they want! Almost forgot.. dont forget you limied edtion sets complete with blowup dolls of your favortie ff girls, collector cup made in china that you cant drink from unless your a mutant. Release already translated doujins saving us time with all post FF16 games and release the games sound track even though you can access it on the game from the options menu...

THEN... for added kicks... announce a 5th remake of all cartridge era games complete with full hentai sequences now. All that inbetween your main series releases

Why not just fast forward to the end of Final Fantasy... "Thee Final Fantasy: Wada Is Dead" (Highest selling FF ever in one day) Out sells all FF titles EVER in one day!

What a fucking tangent! What a fucking joke!

PS: Dont blink... youll miss a FF release somewhere
PS2: Remember when this series was fun/game/story driven/made sense? and wasnt about making money and beating horses beyond death?...Neither do I!

AaRLs Comic Episode 049 - Remember

Heres episode 049...dont worry its coming together soon. No more hope of it coming together... just a short wait now.

On a side note...

I dont use this email for much but I wish to the thank the hacker who did get it for a short while. I ask... why? You hacked my password which wasnt that hard to figure out only to do what? No emails sent... nothing signed up with... nothing posted... (all this according to gmail admins of course)... thanks for signing in for me I guess

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dragon Warrior X

Fuck calling it Dragon Quest, I'm from America and it was fucking Dragon Warrior when I was growing up.

Anyway, they just announced Dragon Warrior X will be a MMORPG for the Wii. Am I the only one remotely excited about this? Here's the Sankaku link, can discuss it Dragon Warrior X. It being for the Wii has me slightly worried, but then I remember, Phantasy Star Online was for the Gamecube and the Dreamcast and didn't have a HDD to store Data and the games ran fine and had plenty of updates.

AaRLs Comic Episode 048 - Strange New World

Heres episode 048. Hard to believe Im made this many so far. I think its been about a year or since I started these. Wow. Congrats to me I guess. Ill try to maintain a "once a week release" for these. Getting into that time of year where work takes over my life...

As a side note. Ive begun work on a new FFFF. (Final Fantasy Fan Fiction) Not sure when that will come out if ever but something is simmering for now.

As for the comic, dont worry... It will all make sense soon... (I hope lol)