Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What's this Final Fantasy XIII-2 Might actually be an rpg?

So the rumor mill is churning and there's some actual words from the developers of the original piece of shit game that they're actually making a real "Final Fantasy." Yes that's not a typo they're actually making an actual game this time rather than some action adventure tunnel crawler. If this is actually true, I may have some faith restored in this company.

The developer in question is noted as saying that (this is just a summary btw not the actual phrase) "We understand that our game was a piece of shit that didn't sell well and upset fans, so we're fixing it." The game will have a traditional story format now. There will be an actual overworld map, towns, side quests, the ability to back track and most of fucking all no more gods damn "Oops I fucked up this fight I better hit the "restart battle" button" button. The game is supposed to be more story and player driven. With multiple endings and the options to choose how the outcome of the game is played out. (Think Fallout 3 or the Elder Scrolls series; where your choices and responses to quests, questions, and other actions contribute to how your character is seen and how the story plays out.)

Does this mean S-E finally took notice to what the fans want and is actually trying to restore the former glory and high mark the series had? Probably not, going off their current track record they'll take all the good they're adding to this and fuck it up royally and it'll piss more people off. But hey, at least we'll get a good laugh as the company goes bankrupt from bad design choices, maybe they'll finally hold Wada accountable for it all and fire him.


  1. I doubt they'll hold him accountable, if anything if this succeeds the dumbfuck will look like a genius despite all the fail

  2. ^ Sad thing is that's probably spot on

  3. Take a step back and look at this... FF13 was started in 2005...failed but do to inflated sales from being on two of three major consoles, it sold over a million copies. SE at first mentions nothing of the slashed sale prices in the motherland, Japan, nor does it acknowledge the Wests displeasure of it directly. "The fans are to blame for not liking our new direction." Enter FF14 with its shiny new graphics and needing a 22nd century computer to play...EPIC FAIL! Strike 2 for SE now... Now in scramble mode, they finally come and out say in a short sentence, we fucked up with FF13 with linear gameplay and no towns blah blah blah... OK... FF14 continues free fall (to this day) thus we must make an announcement. We go and rename FF13 Agito, type zero now or what ever that means and make it clone for Parasite Eve screens (in my eyes atleast)... confused or meh is the response. Another game from 2006 delayed...wait a second 2006?!

    You had 6!!!!!! years and 5!!!!! years respectivly to work on FF13, FF14 and FF13VS... end results is FAIL, EPIC FAIL, Rename and reclassifly and delay longer... WHAT?!

    Moving on... Now we must announce another game... which was in development all along regardless what you thought or was told is FF13.2. By now... WHO CARES at this point? Of course its gonna look great! Look at the companies past FF releases in the main series for the last 10 years? 12 was going down hill fast, 13 sucked, 14... no! Then you go and rename one and delay it longer (6 years still not enough time???) Now you go and show 13.2? And oh wait, you delay it again to 2012? Funny how it took ff13 6 years to make but 13.2 just about 2? Dont give me that programing shit or whatever. SE needs money period! Why are they soaking up all these reboots and rehashes? I cant turn on the psstore or one of my games with out seeing an SE logo somewhere...

    Im not sold one bit on this "it mite be a RPG" and "I decide the outcome" We decide shit. This game will be good becasue of what it will be compared to... 13/14/Type Zero. Wada is still king regardless. The sheep once again will flock to this becasue of FF failures.

  4. Bottom Line: I can rant about 13/ all day long. In fact Add 12 and all others (11 excluded) after FFX to that list. Truth is FF is BURNT OUT! Its time to either give it a rest for a bit or reboot it somehow. Making sequels and spin offs (which started with 7 getting EVERYTHING but a true sequel) Todays corporation is about making money and sucking you dry with incomplete games a la DLC and addon shit for "mere dollars". Also, todays gaming gen is about GFX and nothing more. No story, no gameplay, no challenge... just as long as its shiny and can I trade it in at Game stop after I get all the trophies. Remember when you still played a game after beating it? When it had NO DLC or addon content? You played to play the game.

    Ever sit down and slap in Chrono Trigger or an older FF just for fun? Or any other game for that matter, pre DLC/trophies era, for that matter? I honestly cant and thats what I miss!

  5. Personally if the Spoony one says it looks promising, then i'm willing to try it.. since that man hates all things Final Fantasy to a passion >.>
