Sunday, February 20, 2011

AaRLs Comic v3 - Episode 24 - Friendaga

Episode 24 is up. Not much action really but we re getting close to finding somone...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

AaRLs Comic v3 Ep 23 - Reunion

Sorry for the delay. Ep 23 is up for your enjoyment. I expect big things in the comig weeks from my comic. Gonna introduce some a new face (or faces) and also tie up some lose ends. Perhaps even a sex act or two... ha! Just seeing if your paying attention. Enjoy and see ya next week!

Dissida 012 Line Up...HUH?

Well... Terra and Tidus evil? Kain... good? I dont understand it but like most SE games... you get the idea. I could see Cloud evil and did think a one point a long time ago, him siding with Seph and somehow Aerith makes a return... but moving on from that 97' dream... I still want to see how you explain the new people like Tifa, Lightning and others how there not around in the I guess "linear sequel" to Dissida 012, Dissida. Like a Star Wars feel here. Episode 4 looked like, GFX wise and tech looking wise that it was WELL before Episode 1-3. You understand right?

Still I have high hopes for this game as... yes... a WORLDMAP has been sighted!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

AaRLs Comic v3 - Ep 22 Ladies Man

A bit behind this week. Was supposed to be release 2 comics being the first weekend of the new month and all... Maybe after the Super Bowl!

As for the future of the comic, it is still brite! have a few ideas and surprises in store. Also mite reveal some other characters soon...


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Last Story

Last Story is flying off the shelves in Japan. Does this mean it'll come here? Could we get a TRUE Final Fantasy game that we have been craving? Gods I hope so.

Here's a commercial