Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dissida 012 Line Up...HUH?

Well... Terra and Tidus evil? Kain... good? I dont understand it but like most SE games... you get the idea. I could see Cloud evil and did think a one point a long time ago, him siding with Seph and somehow Aerith makes a return... but moving on from that 97' dream... I still want to see how you explain the new people like Tifa, Lightning and others how there not around in the I guess "linear sequel" to Dissida 012, Dissida. Like a Star Wars feel here. Episode 4 looked like, GFX wise and tech looking wise that it was WELL before Episode 1-3. You understand right?

Still I have high hopes for this game as... yes... a WORLDMAP has been sighted!


  1. wasn't Terra brainwashed by Kefka? idk having never played that game. Glad to see my smear campaign is in full swing and working perfectly against Tidus

  2. whoa-whoa-whoa wait, time-out here. I see no Prishe (probably just because she's an unlockable character)....oh WAIT, in the game Jecht is said to have betrayed Cosmos so him being on her side for this one makes sense....gods I needs a new psp

  3. That seems too much an easy way out. "They failed so they are not allowed in this game" lol. This is what I could come up with.

    Terra: Brainwashed or controled by the Slave Crown again by Kefka (Happened in FF6 as well) Would have made more sense having Celes in Dissida2 going up against a good Terra as Celes was evil in the begining of FF6.

    Tidus: Perhaps this is his evil clone from FFX2. I dont get it as he has not a shred of evil in him whatsoever from either FFX or FFX2. Perhaps him and Jechts minds switched...?

    Cloud: Is the ONLY one that makes sense here. I can see a "Kain Moment" here in his story line switching sides mid game or something. Hanging with his buddy Sephy. Something drives them apart, like the student (cloud) surpasses the teacher (seph) and thus a brawl.

  4. We're now a month away from this being released \o/
