Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Last Story

Last Story is flying off the shelves in Japan. Does this mean it'll come here? Could we get a TRUE Final Fantasy game that we have been craving? Gods I hope so.

Here's a commercial


  1. I REALLY hope this gets localized. I keep watching the reviews like a hawk and event he current sales are just impressive. I mean people are buying a Wii JUST for this game after all. That speaks volumes.

  2. How good is this game? The King of all Evil quit making trouble for a jerk in a green hat and 3 triangles to be apart of it :D

  3. It does look like Gannon but this game does a TRUE FF feel to it. Cant wait for the English trans if any. Just not completly sold on the Wii even though I have one. If it came out for PS3, I would dif consider getting this!

  4. here's the wiki if you guys are interested


    been thinking, is nintendo afraid it won't do well over here? the FF fans for the most part here have turned on SE and are slobbering for something like this. they send it here and it'll get a great reception like in japan, tons of copies being sold, profits out the ass. hell, they'll have devs like SE by the balls. THE FUCKING BALLS!!!!! The more I think of it the more Wada reminds me of a character from a favorite movie of mine....President Skroob. anyway this is such a STUPID move on Nintendo's part, the Wii has jack-shit for games, all they've been forcing on us are portable crap (I personally am not a fan of most ports). They know there's a MASSIVE demand for this game here and in Europe, it just doesn't make sense.

  6. ah, you pulled out the KH thing. Kingdom Hearts has grown up (more or less) the problem with this is that SE has done to it what it did to FF. no real sequels, just a bunch of nonsense about what happened to Sora's Nobody Roxas, blah blah blah. Like the "Make a fucking awesome FF game you pricks" thing, it's come down to the point that they've pissed off the KH fans now and they are saying "MAKE FUCKING KH3 YOU PRICKS". but enough of this, the ONLY way this may come here at this point unfortunately is if they put out a Wii-2 or a Wii-Wii...........heh I said "Wii-Wii" :3...


    no real surprise....tho look what hit 3rd on the list. am I wrong for thinking what that sounded like?
